Monday, December 11, 2017

A Reunion Creates an Avenue to Discover Treasures


1.  Do you go to your high school reunions?  
          Yes__    No__    sometimes__    

2.  Do you see value and benefit in attending your high school reunions?  
          Yes__    No__    Maybe__    Don't Know__

3.  Can your children and grandchildren benefit from your attendance at your high school reunions?  
          Yes__    No__    Maybe__    Don't Know__

4.  Can others benefit from your attendance at your high school reunions?  

          Yes__    No__    Maybe__    Don't Know__

Why attend your high school reunion?  Many classmates do not attend for various reasons. Many don't want to attend,seeing no value, some classmates attend all or most of their reunions. There are some classmates that I was friends with who have not attended. They are missed.  Even with encouragement, they do not attend, and thus we miss out on what a great renewal of relationship we could have had.  To read more later on this topic, you can click on the below two articles found on this blog:  
50th Year High School Reunion? Why Go?   What I Learned at My 50th High School Reunion

There are some sayings that express my views on this, such as, 
"If you don't go, you won't know."  Meaning, you will never know the great experiences you could have had because you did not do something you could have done.  You will miss out on what could have been that could have changed your life, and others lives.
"You will always be where you've always been, if you always do what you've always done."  The opposite meaning - get out of your routine, do something different, and watch new things, people, and places develop in your life.
How do you answer the 4 questions in the above survey?  I answer them all with a resounding, "YES!"  I will tell you one reason why.  I will tell you a story that will show how impacting and important an involvement in a high school reunion can be to you and those OTHER THAN YOUR CLASSMATES.

Over the weekend of September 22-23-24, 2017 Bishop McDevitt High School's Class of 1967 celebrated their 50th anniversary since granduation from high school.  Out of a class of 400 students, we had 112 registered classmates with 59 registered guests.  The entire experience was awesome and continues to be so in the afterglow of the events.  Many friendships were renewed and many new relationships were made, and continue to be made.

During the planning for the reunion, we updated the contact information on our list of 400 classmates that included a list of 47 deceased classmates.  We already knew of most of the classmates who were gone, but during the reunion planning that started in July 2016, we sadly experienced the passing of 5 more classmates.  Even more, we discovered that we were unaware of classmates who passed several years before our planning even started.  That's where I want to focus, on one classmate who passed in September of 2013 and we did not know until July of 2017.  She is Natalie Matjasic Minardo.  Though her absence was not missed by the class for 4 years, her presence has now been restored to our class, and also to her family.  Here is what happened.

In the discovery of every obituary that looks like one of our classmates, we verify that the person is surely one of our classmates.  In Natalie's case, we could not find much information on her.  After 4 years, obituaries are not usually available online where they were initially published.  All we found was this (click here)
Natalie was born on October 11, 1949 and passed away on Thursday, June 20, 2013.  Natalie was a resident of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
Sue Elizabeth Minardo
Natalie's Daughter
With that information, we were fairly certain that this was our Natalie, but there was still room for doubt.  Thus, I did a search on Facebook to see if I could find any relations.  There was one person who I zeroed in on, Sue Elizabeth Minardo.  I sent Sue a message on IM on her Facebook page and this is how our conversation went:  

JAMES  July 26th, 10:47am - Was your mother Natalie who graduated from Bishop McDevitt 1967.  I was a classmate.  The Natalie I am looking for is deceased in 2013.  

SUE  October 27th, 12:16pm - Hello.  James.  Yes, that is my mom.  She passed in June 2013 . . . . I am still going thru alot since she died.  Sorry I haven't replied back too you.  I'm surprised my mom's classmates even looked her up . . . . . I miss her terribly.

JAMES  October 27th - Hello Sue.  Thanks for responding . . . . This year we made a big effort to update our contact info on classmates, living and deceased.  I do that mostly.  It was eye opening to update the deceased list and look at the 47 out of 400 who are gone.  When I hear of one passing, I try to get info on them and write something on our blog, and inform our classmates.  May I tell the committee I connected with you? . . . . I can send you info on our class list and blog if you are interested. 

SUE  October 27th, 2:34pm - Hello James, You're welcome! . . . . That's so cool you update people from your senior class.  Yes, you can tell the committee we connected.  I'm just glad I actually get to speak with one of my mom's former classmate.  Yes, you can send my mom's pictures from your yearbook.  I don't have pics of my mom . . . . My father also passed away in 2007.  I was just 18.  Now I'm 29. 

JAMES October 27th, 6:22pm - I will look her up and send you pics.

JAMES  December 10th, 3:18pm - I posted Natalie's picture from our yearbook (click here) and sent it to Sue and our classmates.

SUE  December 10th, 6:30pm - Thanks so much James, really greatly appreciate the picture . . . . . I really can't believe you found it.  She looks so pretty and everything . . . . 

Vincent, Sue's Son
Natalie's Grandson
My conversation with Sue continues.  In the above, I did not include everything that she said, but the above words show that Sue has been greatly impacted with gaining access to something significant about her mother, espesially a picture of her, since she does not have any.  Sue has a young son, Natalie's grandson, a toddler.  His name is Vincent.  This grandson of Natalie's will also be greatly impacted when his mother tells him about his grandmother.

Here is more of how Sue was given joy over this information about her mother after I sent her this article for her review and permission before publishing.

SUE  December 12th, 12:7am - Hey, James, I just wanted too say Thanks So much 4That Blog Article you wrote for Me.  It meant A great deal.  I shared it with my family and some Friends! Yes, I have my son with me, I don't think that there's a whole lot of to change except for maybe she is loved by me and my dad and my Mom's familyI love the Picture of little Vince. . . . . It has impacted me A lot within The last 4 years! I have been through hardships and Tribulations. I just can't help but miss my mom, but becuz of you, thou she can live On more freely.  I am gonna spread her ashes. I just appreciate you being a supportive friend. It sucks that My kids don't have their Grandma anymore, but I have to try and be strong for her. But You know my mom was A strong lady through everything We went together. . . . . Thanks for the blessings. And I give you my okay to change that. Or add anymore Information to the blog. My mom would've wanted to people know, I just wanted to say that.

And I had no idea you're parents were gone... Wow I bet you miss your parents everyday . I know that I have A long life to live though. I wish I could of experienced the 60s era. Hah back when you guys were younger, I'm sure it was nice.

I try to Be free Spirited and relaxed and think of Positive stuff but you Know "we all have Our Days", but I've been through much worse. I just pray everyday and am blessed, for what I have infront of me even though I don't have a lot. . . . . . I have a great daddy to his son and he supports me. I'm lucky I have him

After that conversation, Sue posted this on her Facebook page:

Sue Elizabeth Minardo is feeling emotional with Cory G Bowers and 48 others.
Hey My Fb friends, I Am Pleased To Announce That My Mom's Friend, James Eugene, put A blog about My mom And Me And my Son And I just got To Say it's So beautiful How he Made her memory So Wonderful!!  . . . . .  This Momento Of My Mom, Natalie, Means A lot To Me And It's Sad At The Fact That I Only have Her high school Picture shown here, and don't have Pics Of Her Wen She became Older. I Did But I lost Pics In The Accident in 2007 , It just Sucks, Bc I hate death But I know that it is A Part of Life!!! 
So Live On mom forever, U are Not Forgotten , I love You!! Here is the link to the blog article about My Mom . . . . A Reunion Creates an Avenue to Discover Treasurers

Now, the result of posting Natalie's picture on Facebook is that Sue is conversing on Facebook with her mother's classmates and developing new and joyful relationships (click here).  Here are some classmates who have connected with Sue.
Mary Ellen Smith
Michelle Borzilleri-Lewis ·
Dianne Zrncic
Terry Navarro Govelovich
Gigi Luto

Natalie Matjasic Minardo is one of our 400 classmates from the BMHS Class of 1967.  Though we became aware of her passing much later than we should have, we now have become aware of something about who she was.  Sue Elizabeth Minardo is her daughter with whom we have become connected in a meaningful relationship along with her son, Natalie's grandson.  That's rewarding.  That's special.  

Review my sayings stated above.  Let's change them to:

"Because we did become involved in our high school reunion, we did have many great, personal experiences never to be forgotten and that forever have changed us."  

"Because we did become involved in our high school reunion, we broke out of our same ol', same ol' routine and discovered something and someone new and lasting in our lives."


When you don't want to go to an event for whatever reason, consider that you will never discover the treasures to be found because of your attendance at that event.  Then, change your mind and go.  And when it's over, look at the treasures that you and others discovered at that event because of your attendance and their attendance.  

High school reunions are not just about you. They are also about others and the potential to renew friendships and creat new friendships that will take you to things you thought not possible and did not expect.

CALL TO ACTION - Join in the conversation with Natalie's daughter, Sue Elizabeth Minardo.  She misses her mother greatly and our involvement with Sue is now and will lift her with joy.  And, you will also have an impact on her "little Vincent".  
Little Vincent


We are in
The Afterglow 
of the
Class of 1967's 50th Year Class Reunion
Bishop McDevitt High School
September 22/23/24, 2017

James Eugene Barbush
Reunion Committee Co-Chair
2021 Blue Mountain Parkway
Harrisburg, PA  17112
(717) 514-5549
The Shepherd's Voice